Not Heating
Maytag Electric Dryer

Learn How To Fix A Not Heating Maytag Electric Dryer

In this not heating Maytag electric dryer page you will find the videos that will show you the parts that you will need to check when your Maytag electric dryer is not heating. Make sure that you watch the videos a few times until you know how to check & replace the parts. 

Taking apart the dryer

One of the first things that you need to learn, is how to dismantle the dryer and how to put it back together again properly. Try to learn how to do this first and everything else will be much easier to do.

Click here to see a low price set of tools

Voltages at the terminal block

The first thing you need to check when your not heating Maytag electric dryer is not producing heat in any of the cycles that you try it on are the voltages at the dryer terminal block. Watch the video below to learn how to check the voltages.

Click here to see a low price multimeter

Power cords

If the problem with the dryer is that is not heating, one of the parts that you need to check is the power cord to make sure that is in good working order. Watch the video below to learn how to do this.

Click here to see a 3 prongs power cord replacement

Click here to see a 4 prongs power cord replacement

The heating element

If the problem with the dryer is that it runs OK but is not heating at all, you will need to check the heating element unit to see if it is good or bad. Watch the video below to learn how to do this.

Click here to see a heating element replacement

Cycling or operating thermostat

If your Maytag dryer is not heating at all or not heating properly the problem could be the operating or cycling thermostat. Watch the video below to learn how to do this.

Click here to see a cycling or operating thermostat replacement

Hi limit thermostat

The hi-limit thermostat is a safety device use to stop the dryer from heating if the temperature exceed the temperature of the operating thermostat. Watch the video below to learn how to do this.

Click here to see a replacement

The timer

The timer is the control that distribute the electricity to the different components in the dryer including the heating element. Watch the video below to learn how to check & replace the timer in a not heating Maytag electric dryer.

Click here to see a replacement

Temperature selector switch

This switch is the one use to select the temperature that you want to use on the dryer. If this switch is bad the dryer will run ok but it will not produce any heat. Watch the video below to learn how to do this.

Motor centrifugal switch

This switch inside of the motor need to be in good working order for the dryer to be able to produce heat. Watch the video below to learn how to do this.

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